Thursday, December 8, 2011

                                                                From Reflection to Action.....
            As a leader in my field I strive to become a supportive and team player as I grow along with “My First College Class” science outreach program.  However, the other day I surprised myself at my thoughts when one of my participating teachers did not responded kindly to my help.  In-stead she just pointed out the deficiencies she perceived about the activities we performed.  I surprised myself at the thoughts I entertained of future unwillingness to help.  Yet, I was there to help the children who very few times get exposed to these “hands-on” activities.  Was it because I was getting upset about the “All about Me” culture I thought this teacher was?  Why was I so not understanding of the main purpose of my being there?   It took this class to finally understand that people are different and that not all view the world the same way as I do.
            This journey of becoming a culturally proficient leader is a difficult one.  One
has to understand that every drawback is an opportunity to learn and become a bit more proficient culturally.  I encounter many people every day through the outreach program and my science tutoring and I have been finding that my shortness of patience with people which I perceived not interested could be a problem.  I had been reaching deeply in me about what really is what bothers me about them.  I have found out that I am judging people based on my personal standards and that it has to be one of the most serious mistakes I have ever made.  I am becoming aware that I have to become more self-monitoring, self-aware, self-assessing, and self-modifying of my behavior and attitudes.  

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